At eight months, Sydney Kaye is:
- eating like a champ! She takes three-four bottles and three containers of baby food daily.
- still sleeping wonderfully. She will go to sleep anywhere, anytime! The past two nights we have been at friends' houses during her bedtime. No problem! Just put her in the middle of a big bed and she'll suck her thumb and go on to sleep.
- not mobile yet. I'm seeing some progress, though! It's so hard to not compare her to Jack, who was a champion crawler at 8 months. She's just not interested in moving around (plus she's a little....rotund :)
- sitting and playing very well. She likes to look at toys and turn them over in her hands very intensely. Ha!
- extremely fussy in the evenings. Poor thing has been at daycare from 6:45- 3:00 and when she gets home she demands her mommy! Can you blame her? This may be another reason why she's a little behind on being mobile....she screams every time I put her down, so I am guilty of holding her too much. Oops!
- still the sweetest baby girl there ever was. I'm so blessed to do life with her!
Sunday I'll post Guatemala pictures. Can't wait to see Clint tomorrow!!
Amanda- your family is so beautiful! I have to admit that it makes me feel very old to see you with two kids of your own! Seems like just a few years ago I was babysitting you and your sisters! I just got caught up on your blog and so admire your decision to become foster parents. I'll be praying for you and Clint- what an amazing commitment. I know God is pleased with your faithfulness to his calling! Hope to see you in DeRidder sometime soon...