Sunday, June 12, 2011

Say Y-E-S to VBS

Last week was Vacation Bible School at our church, and this was the first year that Jack was an actual VBS student, not just a teacher's-kid-stuck-in-the-nursery. He had an absolute BLAST and was disappointed this evening when I told him that tomorrow will be just another old boring "home day." He said that making Jell-O would liven up the day. I agree.

His teachers did an excellent job. He learned many Bible stories and his little heart is starting to wonder about significant spiritual issues. One day last week he asked me how to get to heaven. Just out of the blue, while I was folding laundry he hollered that question to me from across the house. Made my heart stop.

We are so thankful for our church and for the time and effort so many volunteers put into VBS. But more importantly, we are thankful for the work the Holy Spirit did in the lives of many children and their families.

All three kids' pictures on the fridge. Sydney LOVES to look at them and just giggle.
Jack in his classroom.

Dark picture, but this was the stage at our church. So much work and talent went into this!!

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