At six months, Sydney is:
- sitting up well.
- doing great with her tummy time. Not much longer before she tries to scoot!
- loving baby food. We've made our way through all the vegetables and we've moved on to fruit!
- Has two teeth as of this morning! She has been teething a lot over the past couple of weeks, and today we found the evidence!
- surviving day care. I think she gets used to it a little more every day.
- making spitting noises constantly. She thinks it's hilarious.
- Laughing occasionally. It had better be pretty darn funny.
Jack loves Rodys. If you're not familiar with them, they are these blow-up horses that you can ride around. I tried to buy one for him last Christmas, but they are $75!!! No way. But, our local toy store, Purple Cow, is having a moving sale and put them on sale for $22. Jack thinks Rody is REAL! He rides him all around the house, sleeps with him, and sets him in the bathroom while he bathes or potties. Best $22 I ever spent.
Jack/Sydney room merger:
They spent last night in the same room and both took a nap in the room today! I was afraid that Jack wouldn't like for Sydney to be in his space, but I couldn't have been more wrong. He loves for his little sister to be in his room. The space is just right. Maybe a little tight, but once Sydney can sleep in a twin bed we'll buy bunk beds and they'll have more room to play. Jack rarely plays in his room anyway...he drags all his toys into the living room. Ha!
Foster Furniture:
Melissa Herrington has been working on some furniture for our foster care room. They brought the furniture today and it is SO PERFECT!!! The dresser is the perfect size for a child. Enough storage room without taking up a whole wall. Also, it is a short piece of furniture, so a short kid could see themself in the mirror. I am so pleased with the results! Now we just need to paint the walls (yuck!) and do a little decorating. The mattress set can be picked up on Thursday. Things are really starting to become real with this whole foster care decision. Today in the sermon, Dr. Brooks said that the most-quoted commandment in the Bible is to not be afraid. I needed to hear that this morning!
Calvary Woodworth:
Calvary Baptist Church merged with First Baptist Woodworth on June 1st. It was a huge decision for our church and we have been so excited to see the Lord move in our community! At the end of May, they had 18 in worship on a Sunday morning, and no youth in Sunday School. This morning we had well over 200...they filled up the sanctuary and brought in chairs. And we had 19 in youth Sunday School. What an amazing morning!!!
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