Do you see the ticker at the top of the screen that says "28 days to go!" Well, take 21 days off of that. Yes, people, we are having this baby next Thursday, Feb 25th! That is, if I don't go into labor before then. I went for my 36 week appt yesterday and Dr. Manuel measured my belly - Sydney Kaye seems to be around 7 lbs - and started getting nervous that I would go into labor soon (which would not be good with placenta previa). He was actually ready to deliver her TODAY! I said "Woah....really? Are you sure??" and he decided to let me try and wait one more week, that way I would be full-term and I could get some plans together for Jack. So, one week from right now I'll have Sydney in my arms!!
So, I'm in overdrive on my to-do list! First up: Cover for Sydney's going home dress. I told Clint last week that I didn't want to just put her dress on a hanger because I was afraid we would get something on it in the car or in the hospital. His response: Just put a trashbag over it! I made a cover for the hanger, and a bag for her bonnet, crocheted socks, and fancy blanket. Now, not only are her pretty things protected, but it looks fancy schmancy, too! This was actually a very easy project and I used fabric and trim I already had. This would also make a great gift for someone! So, for you sewers out there, be inspired!
I also cleaned out the closet today, read a book, and took a nap. Oh my goodness I can't believe she's almost here!!
I am so excited for you. Put me on the text list so I will know when she has arrived :)