And, it's going to get ugly in five short weeks. But let's not talk about that, okay?
Last week Jack went to the dentist for the first time! He did absolutely amazing. I was beaming from ear to ear as each hygenist came in and said, "Wow. He's awesome!" His teeth looked great and he doesn't have to go back for six months.
Me, on the other hand......I've never had a cavity in my life. And now I have five. Dang pregnancy. I'm glad we went ahead and forked out the money for dental insurance, because otherwise these cavities would be $1500 to get filled. Ouch!
I've been working on the living room little by little. It's the one room in our house that I don't feel like is put together well.
1. Our rug is falling apart and WILL be replaced by the time Syd is crawling. It disgusts me.
2. The (free) loveseat was covered by my great-grandmother's quilt and looked a little too shabby and a little less chic. I replaced the quilt with a tablecloth from Target. I'll put up pictures after I make a couple of pillows.
3. The curtains have been redone, except for one.
4. The lamp next to the couch has been broken for a year or more. It's just there for looks. It needs to be replaced/fixed/whatever.
5. Jack and Clint broke a plate in my plate rack, and I found these two at Tuesday Morning for $2 each!
I'll keep you updated and post pictures of the living room once I'm happy with it!
And here's a picture of Sydney playing today. She is so bubbly, don't you think?
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